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Result Released At Icsi.edu, How To Check: Results.amarujala.com

Result Released At Icsi.edu, How To Check: Results.amarujala.com


ICSI CSEET July 2023: Result Released at icsi.edu, How to Check

ICSI CSEET July 2023: Result Released
– PC : MRP Graphics

ICSI CSEET July 2023 Result Out: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) released the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET 2023) result for the July 2023 session on August 9, 2023. Candidates can check the CSEET 2023 result at the official website, icsi.edu.

ICSI CSEET July 2023 Result Declared: Important Details

The CSEET July 2023 exams were conducted on July 30 and August 1, 2023.

The results, along with individual candidates’ subject-wise breakdown of marks, are available on the official website. Additionally, the formal e-Result-cum-Marks Statement for the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) July 2023 Session can also be accessed on the website.

The CSEET 2023 exam is conducted four times a year for direct admission to the CS Executive course, which is the second stage of the CS programme. Those who have qualified in the CS Foundation, ICAI CA Final course, or ICMAI CMA Final course are exempt from appearing in the CSEET exam.

The CSEET 2023 question paper consisted of four sections: business communication, legal aptitude and logical reasoning, economic and business environment, current affairs, presentation, and communication skills. Each section had 35 questions carrying 50 marks each. Out of the total 200 marks, candidates who have secured at least 50% aggregate marks have been declared qualified.


CSEET July 2023 Result: How to Check

Candidates can follow the steps given below to check the ICSI CSEET July 2023 Result:

  1. Log on to the official website of CSEET, icsi.edu.
  2. Click on “Click to View Result” under the ICSI CSEET July 2023.
  3. Log in using your credentials.
  4. Your ICSE CSEET July 2023 result will now be displayed.
  5. Download the result to your device.
  6. Take a printout for future reference.

Official Website: icsi.edu.


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