The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will begin accepting applications for the SSC CPO SI test 2023 tomorrow, July 22, 2023. Applicants interested in applying for the same can get the application form by visiting the official website, https://ssc.nic.in. The application deadline for the SSC CPO SI 2023 test is August 15, 2023.

- Board Staff Selection Commission
- Posts Sub Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police and Sub Inspector (General Duty) in CAPFs
- Vacancies To be notified
- Salary Rs. 35400-112400/
- Job Location Delhi
- Official Website www.ssc.nic.in
On July 22, 2023, the Staff Selection Commission will issue the SSC CPO Notification 2023 on the SSC’s official website, www.ssc.nic.in. The SSC CPO 2023 recruiting procedure is used to fill positions in different central government police forces, including the Delhi Police and CAPFs. The SSC CPO is a prominent national-level exam held annually to recruit Indian Nationals for Sub Inspector (Executive) for Delhi Police and Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPF.
How to Apply Online for SSC CPO Jobs?
- Step 1: Visit the official website first.
- Step 2: Press the “Apply” button.
- Step 3: Click either the “CPO Recruitment 2023” or the “SI Recruitment” option.
- Step 4: Create a Registration ID before moving on to the application form.
- Step 5: Enter basic information such as your name, mother’s name, father’s name, qualification, and age.
- Step 6: Attach your signature, mark sheet, and photo.
- Step 7: Fill out and submit the application form. Step 8: Pay the Application Fees.
Minimum Age Limit – 20 years
Maximum Age Limit – 25 years
SI- Rs. 35400-112400/-
ASI- Rs. 29200-92300/-
SSC will publish the results of each step on its official website, www.ssc.nic.in. The SSC CPO Result will be released in pdf format, along with the names and roll numbers of those who passed the examination. All candidates can check their names/roll numbers against the list of selected candidates to see where they stand in the recruiting process.
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