Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission has published an official notification for the JSSC Nagar Palika Vacancy 2023 on the official website, jssc.nic.in, for 967 vacancies on June 1st, 2023. Interested candidates should read the comprehensive recruiting details for JSSC Nagar Palika Vacancy 2023 in the article below. The online application link is open from June 28th until July 27th, 2023.
Name of Organization Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission
Name of Recruitment Jharkhand Nagarpalika Recruitment 2023
Number of vacancies 967 (Male+ Female)
Job Location Jharkhand
Official Website www.jssc.nic.in
Jharkhand Nagarpalika Notification 2023 is released for 967 varied openings against Advt. No. 07/2023 on the official website on June 1st, 2023. The pdf notification offers full information on the hiring procedure. Before applying, candidates should read the information in the Notification PDf. Candidates can obtain the Jharkhand Nagarpalika Notification 2023 in PDF format.
How to Apply?
Go to the official websitehttps://jssc.nic.in.
Check out the Nagar Palinka advertisement on the home page.
Then, by clicking on the candidate login, you can register.
After registering, click the Apply button.
When the new form arrives, carefully fill out all of the details.
Upload your qualifications and any additional documents except your diploma/certificate.