
MP Patwari Result 2023
– PC : MRP Graphics
MP Patwari Result 2023 Out: The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board declared the MP Patwari Result 2023 on June 30th. Candidates who appeared for the MP Group-2 (Sub Group-4) Sahayak Samparikshak and Patwari & other post Combined Recruitment Test – 2022 can check their results from the official websites at esb.mp.gov.in or peb.mp.gov.in.
MP Patwari Result 2023 Released: Important Details
To view the MPESB Patwari Result 2023, candidates need to use their login credentials, such as their application number, roll number, and date of birth. The board has also released the MPPEB Patwari Merit List 2023 along with the results. The MPPE Group 2 Recruitment 2023 Notification was released for a total of 3555 vacancies.
Candidates who score equal to or higher than the cut-off marks in the Madhya Pradesh Patwari Written Exam 2023 will be called for the next stage of the recruitment process, which is the interview. This year, a total of 12 lakh candidates appeared in the MP Patwari Exam 2023.
The written test was conducted for 3555 posts of Patwari, Assistant Liaisonant, and others under the MP Group 2 Sub Group 4 Recruitment. The minimum marks required to qualify for the Patwari exam are 40%, and those who score higher than this will be eligible for the next stage.
MP Patwari Result 2023: How to Check
The candidates can follow the steps goven below to check the MP Patwari 2023 Result:
- Log on to the official website, esb.mp.gov.in.
- Click on “Result – Group-2 (Sub Group -4) Sahayak Samparikshak and Patwari & other post Combined Recruitment Test – 2022” on the homepage.
- Log in using your credentials.
- Your MP Patwari Result 2023 will now be displayed.
- Download the result and save it to your device.
- Take a printout for future reference.
Official Website: esb.mp.gov.in.